【受付終了】GOCAキッチン in 羽田国際高等学校/ GOCA Kitchen in HANEDA KOKUSAI HIGH SCHOOL🍴

All applicants will be notified by email by Friday, May 24.

Please note that, in principle, cancellations will not be accepted after participation has been confirmed.
If you have no choice but to cancel your application after your participation is confirmed, please contact us in advance at the contact information below.

▼ GOCAキッチンってなに? / What is GOCA Kitchen? 

Through food, participants will understand the world’s food cultures and promote multicultural understanding and coexistence.

イベント内容/Event details
Everyone cooks the food, and after the meal is completed, the participants eat together while talking about food and culture and deepening their interactions.
This time, we will be making karaage(japanese fried chicken) and potato salad with the theme of Japanese home cooking♪

▼ いつ/Date

2024年6月8日 (土)
June 8, 2024 (Sat)

▼ じかん/Time

10:00 ー 14:00

▼ さんかできる人/Target

Elementary and junior high school students living in Ota City and their parent(s) or guardian(s)

Children are not allowed to participate alone and it is required to be accompanied by parent(s) or guardian(s).

▼ 定員/Max capacity of participants

15組30名 程度
About 15 pairs of 30 people

If the number of applications exceeds the maximum number of spaces, a draw will be held.

▼ 場所/Venue

学校法人簡野学園 羽田国際高等学校(はねだこくさい こうとうがっこう) 調理室(ちょうりしつ)
1-4-1 Honhaneda, Ota City

MAP here

▼ 料金/Experience fee

おとな 300円 / 300 yen (Adult)
こども 無料 / Free (Chirdren)

▼ みんなでつくるメニュー / Cooking menu

① からあげ / karaage (japanese fried chicken)

② おにぎり / onigiri (rice ball)

③ ポテトサラダ / potato salad

④ お味噌汁 / miso soup

Menu to change due to event availability.

▼ チラシ/Flyer

GOCAキッチン チラシ

▼ 気をつけること/Notes

Should follow the instruction of the staff.
Accompanying parent(s)/guardian(s) must accompany and keep an eye on their children during the event.
If you feel sick or unwell during the event, please notify the staff.
Please take care of your valuables by yourself. The Association will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items.

▼ その他/Other

The event will be conducted in easy Japanese.If you need an interpreter, please let us know on the application form.

On the day of the event, our staff will take pictures of the event. Please be advised that the photographed materials such as photos and videos may be used and published on our official website, SNS, and various printed materials as a report of our activities.
If you have any problem with such use or publication, please notify us through the application form.

▼ もうしこみ/Application



📞TEL 03-6410-7981
📠FAX 03-6410-7982
📩MAIL info@ota-goca.or.jp
